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Energy Management - Getting the most out of your solar investment with Solar Analytics

When you make the switch to solar it is so important to know how much energy your household is consuming, what times of day you use the most energy and what appliances are chewing through your energy, so you can adjust accordingly. To do this you require a home energy management system, and at Energy Wired we work with, and trust, Solar Analytics.

How does it work?

What was once invisible and a guessing game is now visible with Solar Analytics.

First Step: A solar smart monitor will need to be installed by a licensed electrician. The solar smart monitor fits inside your meter box and communicates with the house inverter.

Next Step: Once the smart monitor is professionally installed data is then sent via 4G to your Solar Analytics dashboard which you can log into anytime via your desktop computer, tablet or smartphone. The Dashboard gives you accurate data on the following:

● Your solar energy system’s performance.

● Your energy usage.

● Net electricity bought and sold.

● When and how you’re loading your system.

● How much energy your system should be generating vs actual energy generated on any given day.

● Alerts and faults diagnostics.

What now? With all of the above at your fingertips you’re able to determine when the most efficient time of the day is to turn on your most energy-munching appliances, like the air conditioner, hot water system and pool pump, and choose to run them during solar-producing hours.

The dashboard gives you data in real time, by updating every 5 seconds. Solar Analytics will detect any faults, failures or under performance immediately, so that you’re able to catch issues the minute they pop up, rather than waiting for the bill to arrive.

The information gathered by Solar Analytics is merged with weather data and patented algorithms, and if enough details are entered concerning your electricity plan it can even determine the overall costs and savings of your energy.

The extra details:

● The Solar Smart Monitor can be purchased and installed through Energy Wired. Ask us about your options today. It can be added to an existing solar system or we can add it into a quote for your new solar system.

● Once you’ve purchased a Solar Smart Monitor you will need a Solar Analytics monitoring subscription. Your subscription includes: 24/7 analysis and diagnosis of your solar performance, access to your personal Solar Analytics dashboard, 4G data, live 5 second energy and solar data, access to our local Support Team, monthly reports and education to get maximum value from your solar system. There is no contract required.

● The Solar Smart Monitor comes with a 5 year warranty.


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